Operation:BE KIND courses

Background: The Think 3-2-1 (3-hour session) is the initial springboard; however, it wasn’t enough to cover all the elements of suicide prevention, intervention, and post vention.  A 1.5-to-2-hour refresher training was necessary for application. Operation: BE KIND would be a series of topics to address the crisis prompters in our lives. These refresher trainings would cover a spectrum of resiliency, recovery, and referral, which I call the 3 Romeos.  They are used to expand from supportive opportunities and resources to professional and medical help. We also cover 3 places of safety which I call the 3 Hotels: Hope, Help, and Healing. Isaiah wrote in his book, Chapter 42:3 that “He will not break a bruised reed, and He will not put out a smoldering wick.” This speaks of God’s Kindness. Kindness is a universal concept that all people understand, both believers and unbelievers.  We are sent by God to be His presence.

Problem:  We are seeing more and more of our brothers and sisters suiciding as a result of the barriers/stigma in the church. The church (people of God) through the ages struggled at different times with mental health; however, as Christians, we overlook the negative impact it can have over us long term. We try to work our problems on our own rather than seeking help.  We remain silent on concerns people may not understand or deal with being judged. It is often said, “The church is the only Army that shoots it’s wounded.”

Possible Solution: We must dispel that myth by acknowledging the barriers in the church and in our culture; thus, the reason to break down the stigma as well as normalize conversation regarding mental health illness/disorders and suicide ideation. What if we showed compassion and kindness to those suffering from the mind as we do those who are being treated for cancer, or have diabetes, or under medication due to a physical illness?  In crisis intervention, we can be a practical presence to be a comfort chain. The Apostle Paul explained how the comfort chain works. He wrote, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For as we share abundantly in Christ's sufferings, so through Christ we share abundantly in comfort too. (1 Cor 1:3-5). Life is sacred. By providing refresher courses, people could feel comfortable and confident in de-escalating someone in a crisis to safety. By equipping “the saints” with dialogue techniques and resources to be the front-line defense against suicide ideation, our efforts (genuine kindness and prayer) could reduce suicide ideation and suicide.  God is all about safety as He first threw out a safety net – our Salvation. 

Intent: The refresher courses are designed to help someone in crisis to a place of safety: Hope, Help and Healing.  As you are helping biblically, you yourself are being healed. Kindness as a divine character of God has the power to transform. As a church, we can play an essential role in reducing the stigma and shame so hurting people feel safe to share and not be ashamed to ask for help. By being educated and aware, we can promote mental wellness by being open to the problem. Suicide is a people problem, but people in crisis are not the problem. We can offer encouragement in God’s Word, prayer for those who struggle, and create safe spaces by listening.  You may say, “Well the church already does that.”  Yes, it is our intent; however, when it comes to the topic of suicide, suicide is often considered a crime, a murder, a selfish act, unforgiveable and a sin. Yet, the truth of suicide is a result of a brain illness.

Plan and a Future: Mental Wellness begins with a Spiritual Transformation. Think 3-2-1 and The BE KIND Model is one way to promote mental wellness during times of crises. While the world is about treatments, God is about remedies. The core of the 3-hour workshop sets the foundation of knowledge. The refresher training provides problem-based activities that incorporates the levels of safety a person in crisis needs.  As we develop the divine characteristic of kindness through His Spirit, our confidence level will increase to deal with the most extreme crisis: suicide ideation. When we can feel confident in how to address the most extreme crisis, then can The BE KIND Model be used at any level of crisis.

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